We act responsibly for the environment, people and local communities
The Finnish forest, the fells of our area and the clean waters act as an enabler for our business. Local culture and local products bring their uniqueness to our operations. Equality, respect for the environment and continuous development of sustainability are the cornerstones of our company. We also want to communicate these cornerstones to our customers and offer them experiences where sustainable development and responsibility are part of all activities. As a partner of Metsähallitus' Nature Services, we are also committed to the principles of sustainable tourism. We operate according to the same principles of responsibility in all our operations, both in accommodation and in activities.
Taigavire's entrepreneurs belong to the Pudasjärvi local association of the Finnish Nature Conservation Association, we are active in various organizations related to animal protection and support local partners operating in accordance with sustainable development.
Our values are:
• Respect: We respect nature and people and treat everyone equally
• Development: We are constantly developing our operations to better serve our customers and to have a less harmful effect on the environment
• Cooperation: We cooperate extensively with other companies and operators in our area to achieve synergy and develop new
Taigavire's sustainability policy
We have a sustainable tourism development plan that is constantly updated. Here are some withdrawals from the plan, check out the entire plan.
We value and respect nature.
We tell our customers about the values and protection of the nature areas and encourage them to act responsibly and environmentally friendly. For example, Metsähallitus' Outdoor Etiquette serves as a good basis.
As a rule, we use ready-made routes and existing service equipment.
We encourage our customers to travel to Syöte and our other locations by public transport and with low emissions.
We cooperate with numerous small and local companies. It is important to us that our partners also value nature and sustainable values and operate safely, responsibly and environmentally friendly.
We buy products and raw materials from local entrepreneurs whenever possible. We want to support the local economy.
On tours, we preferably stay in small, environmentally friendly and responsible accommodation.
We like to eat in small and local restaurants and cafes, whose food is made from ingredients produced ethically and nearby.
We recycle and sort our waste: plastics, metals, paper, cardboard and glass, and we also encourage and instruct our customers to recycle.
We use water sparingly in accommodation and public buildings and we encourage our customers to do the same.
The electricity used by our Taigalampi cottage is 100% certified EKO Energy.
We have calculated our company's carbon footprint, which in 2023 was a total of 4,303 thousand CO2e. Our carbon footprint reduced from year 2022, when it was a total of 5 thousand CO2e. We are constantly working to reduce our carbon footprint and strive to take climate actions to cover the emissions that we cannot yet eliminate.
Our personnel are regularly trained in environmental matters.
In food services, we collaborate with local responsible restaurants and food service producers.
We respect local people, culture and nature. We treat everyone equally. We are e.g. committed to the ethical guidelines for Sámi tourism approved by the Sámi Parliament in Finland.
When we move in nature, we leave nothing behind, but take with us what we have brought. We always clean the structures in nature when we leave to a slightly better condition than when we arrived. We sort the waste from the trips at the return point.
We maintain our equipment so that it can last as long as possible.
We avoid disposable dishes and prefer durable and appropriate cutlery.
We actively follow changes in legislation and official guidelines from various sources, such as official websites and through regional organizations in the tourism industry. As a partner of Metsähallitus, we are committed to the principles of sustainable tourism.
We collect feedback from our customers to improve customer satisfaction and our operations.
Continuous development through the Good Travel Seal environmental certification
We are constantly developing our sustainability and environmental policy. We were involved with the Taivalkoski Tourism Association in applying for a Green Key environmental certificate for our company, which was granted to our restaurant operations in March 2021 and was valid until March 2023. In 2022, we achieved the international Good Travel Seal environmental certificate for our entire company's operations. Certificate is valid until October 2024.
We are also part of the Posio Tourism Association, which is the first Finnish tourist area to receive Visit Finland's Sustainable Travel Finland destination label! In addition, we are a member of the Wild Taiga and the Taivalkoski Tourism Association, which both work for developing the sustainability in their areas and to achieve the Sustainable Travel Finland destination label. We also cooperate with the Syöte Tourism Association.
In July 2023 Taigavire has been granted Sustainable Travel Finland label as a recognition of valuable and long-term work for sustainable tourism!